No matter where you stopped...
At what point in life you tired ...
What matters is that it is always possible and necessary a "Restart"...
Restart is a new chance to yourself...
Is to renew your hope in life...
And most important believing in you again...
Suffered greatly during this period?
Was learning process...
You cried a lot?
You were cleaning your soul...
Became angry at people?
Only to forgive them one day...
Felt lonely several times?
Was when you closed your doors even to the angels...
Believed that all was lost?
That was when your restart began...
So... Now it's time to reboot...
Think about the light that you though had been lost...
Time to find, again, pleasure in simple things...
A bold new sense to life... A different one...
Or a new course to life... "Restart" that old desire to learn...
To paint... To draw... to know... to be...
Or anything else...
Look how many challenges facing you...
How many new things in this big world of you...
Waiting... Waiting for your "Restart"...
There are so many people waiting for your smile
An opportunity to get back near you...
People that you sent away with this "period of isolation"...
When we lock ourselves in sadness...
Neven we can support ourselves... we are horrible souls...
The bad mood keeps eating our liver... Until the mouth is bitter...
"Restart"... Today is a good day to start new challenges!
And today is the perfect time for a mental housecleaning...
Throw away everything that binds you to the past...
The little world of sad things...
Throw it all away... but mainly... Empty your heart...
Get ready for life... for new loves...
Remember we are impassioned...
We are always able to love again and again...
After all...
We are "Love"...
“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” - Lewis Carroll
Listening to The Beatles - "Elenor Rigby"
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