sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas

There must be a place, space or time
Working like a kind of special bazaar
Where all our lost and broken dreams
Go to rest in a never-ending symphony…

Made of absences, draining out of excess
The dreams and fantasies are not straight.
Not fitting in straight lines or concepts
They are made and live in the extremes…

Opening each single bottle, yes, do it,
Let all that inner geniuses leave, free…
Courage must be wear all the times,
To tear, cut, burn, so we can start over…

I never wished or wanted to be always right
I sincerely prefer to be right and wrong
It’s always better to be complete, dual
And the first step is wanting to…

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” William Blake

Listening to "The River" - Bruce Springsteen

terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

Fiat Lux

There is a certain art in drawing with light, of searching for the perfect balance between light and shadow, brightness and darkness, a balance that just that exact second will reveal. This certain art presents a unique opportunity to play with the shape of objects, with the colors presented and reflected; and as said a unique opportunity to commingle with life, being able to shape shift these social construction call world memory. And this journey through the realm of light and shadow end up being a eternal quest for one’s soul, just as one starts to dig into their conscience, going into places where he do not know that were there, experiencing with unfamiliar events, facts, dreams, memories and feelings, one discover itself trapped in a realm where light and shadow are one, where much light represents a greater darkness to be discovered. While looking through that magic rectangle where the sensitive soul frames the beauty of the simplest day-to-day activity an entanglement of emotions and sensations take apart in that process. In that exact moment beauty is not just at the eyes of the beholder. Beauty now is part of a different spectrum of realities; beauty is now an amalgam between the figurative representations in the subconscious of the artist and the viewer. A construction forged inside two separated bodies, set apart by singular convictions, realities, knowledge, beliefs and experiences. A composition, so ephemeral, delicate and special, that only exists at the exact moment of the first gaze, vanishing like a mist in the hot morning as the viewer walks way from that particular angle, time and set of thoughts that were present in that exact second of the first gaze. Being able to imagine and experiment, only for a second, this sensation of being part of a production alien to my body and mind, that can only exist at the wiliness of two complete distinct set of minds and bodies, and so momentary that only the true look can captivate it is what delights me in the pursue of the perfect light-shadow combination. Or going further into this dream, being able to construct a so everlasting creation that the first gaze will be just the propelling vehicle where this two bodies will further develop a unique set of fantasies, dreams, emotions where that first gaze will forever renovate itself into a cycle of same gazes being seen by different angles, time, emotions and viewers that end up at that unique first gaze by this two special actors.

"Hay que ser realistas ...soñemos lo imposible." - Ernesto Guevara de la Serna

Listening to "Anos Dourados" - Chico Buarque & Tom Jobim

quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010

Memoria in aeterna

Is the price of living a dream greater than the price of living without venturing to dream?

The dreams have always been part of people's lives, from ancient Greece, where Pythias interpreted them, to the more recent theories that express the neurological phenomena. Also we can find innumerous definitions to the word DREAM. Ranging from the merely scientific angle where it is seen as a series of psychic phenomena that occur involuntarily during our sleep to more religious ones that includes the sincerely manner of which God could communicate to the prophets, state of partial emancipation of the soul, occasion where our perceptions would be sharpened, and several others.

But one thing is universally known about dreams: the fiction, or that other reality if you prefer invented by us, humans, using our lived experiences mingled with the leaven of our unfulfilled desires and imagination, has joined us as our guardian angels since the depths of prehistory, what began as a winding road, after millennia, would take us to the stars, to dominate the atoms and other several prodigious achievements in the domain of knowledge, lead us to discovery of human rights, freedom, but also the destructive brutality, shown the way to better understand the same desires and sentiments that help create it, it created the SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL. Dreams were the corner stone of our civilization.

Dreams were the fundamental paradigm revolutionized in idea of the civilization’s birth, or dawn of the civilization, and are deeply identified with a common ceremony that took place in a deep cave or in the clearing of a forest where we see humans, squatting or sitting, around a campfire which helps them repel insects and so called evil spirits, men and women of the tribe, attentive, absorbed, suspended to a state that would not be a exaggeration to call religious trance, kind of a daydream, of the words they hear coming from the mouth of a man or woman who would be fair, though nor sufficient, to call it witch, shaman, healer, because although it would be considered to be one, he is someone that also DREAMS and communicates their DREAMS to others, making the entire tribe to DREAM in a unison with him, after all he is a storyteller.

And the man and woman who are there, while, witched by what they hear, let their imaginations run wild, flying out of their precarious and simple existences into another life – a life of lies, not common or ordinary lies, but truly lies, which they build in a silent complicity with the man or woman who, at the center of the scenario, tells fables out loud – performing, without warns, the more exclusively human endeavor, the one which more genuinely and exclusively defines the human nature, that it is yet in formation: The possibility of living their common place lives to live for a couple of minutes or hours a substitute for the “real” reality, that they do not choose, the one that is fatally imposed by any given reason at birth and random circumstances of the so called life, a life that sooner or later feels like an easement or a prison from which we wish to escape. Those who are there, listening to the storyteller, lulled by new images that his words poured over them, as before, in solitude or privacy, were perpetrated, by minutes or burst, this live exorcism and abjurations of the real life, by fantasizing and DREAMing.

And this complex procedure of turning that into a collective activity, a social event, institutionalized into the tribe life, is a momentous step in the process of humanization of the primitive, is the start of their spiritual life, the birth of culture, of the long road into civilization, and the most important feature that has its ignition in this moment is our: MEMORY. A common memory to our whole kind, a collective DREAM that we can share, use, add and modify in a single movement where every aspect of the civilization is changed by the slightest modification in our perception of life.

DREAMS while helping us to face our fears and desires, made us more resilient and ambitious, also gave a transcendent meaning to our freedom by giving birth to a wish to live differently from what common day circumstances forced us. Therefore, although the millennial passage of human events have obliged us to strip of many things – prejudices, taboos, fears, habits, beliefs, Gods and demons – which were important obstacles in order to reach new heights of progress and civilization, we remained faithful to this particular ancient rite.

It was, and is, the most powerful tool that allows us to escape our fears and frustrations, helps fulfill our desires, outwit old age and overcome death, live the love that was over, and the mercy of our enemies and lost friends; it was, and it always will be the cruelty and excesses that we call angels and demons that live within our cores, and thus multiplying the possibilities of our lives in the crackling heat of the fire of that other life, impalpable, witched and essential that we call DREAMS.

Living the DREAM or abandoning it probably costs the same, usually a very expensive price. But the first act leads us to commune with the miracle of life, and the second is not useful for anything.

But no matter what you choose, be sure to enjoy every single second of it… After all DREAMS are, by definition, cursed with a short life…

"Dreams are the touchstones of our character." - Henry David Thoreau & "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T. E. Lawrence

Listening to "Brothers in Arms" - Dire Straits

segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

Ad Libitur

Deep down in the cold abyss of your gaze
Lie thousands of silly silent temptations
Amazing how some girls are so women…

With mad and wild tricks of mere confusion
Spreading through her hair, mouth, skin
Destroying my complete body and mind…

Some women, ephemerons like you are
Just can take me wherever they want to
As boys just cannot resist your mysteries…

Such an entanglement confusion of smiles
And eyes capable of devouring all my senses
That I just don’t care about myself anymore…

After all, boys just cannot ever say no…

Some naïve pretentious boys just like me
So used of being always right
Near a real women like you
Are just young kids…

“The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” - Johann von Goethe

Listening to Soulive – “PJ’s”

quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Pacta sunt servanda

After being circulating around for a few years
Lonely in the less traveled road up ahead
One’s magical soul end up discovering
That he should have loved even more…

Wishing to see that especial sunrise often
Taking more riskier and wilder decisions
Like accepting people as they are and will be
Even if you end up crying your eyes out…

Everyone is responsible for every single joy
As well as pains that they have in the heart
Consider caring less to day-to-day problems
And dying more of love as it were all over…

Randomness will always protect myself
Even in my wicked and sweet decision
Even when I walk totally distracted by your smile…

A minha realidade interior vive abaixo no nível da realidade que me cerca. Para restabelecer o equilíbrio, num contato normal com os demais seres humanos, tenho que escrever, porque a recriação da realidade pela imaginação, através da linguagem escrita, é a maneira que tenho de me comunicar.¨ - Fernando Sabino.

Listening to ¨Carnavalia¨- Tribalistas

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Nihil est ab omni parte beatum

Awake, arise, and evolve
There's a war coming our way…
At the edge of infinity,
In the narrow paths of the universe,
I see the ashes of time…
Renaissance through fire dances
Leading to Purification…
In the vastness of your eyes,
Transportation to the closeness…
Listen, see and escape
Like a thunder that got away…
When darkest night falls
The gap between the Worlds opens
And loneliness absorbs ones soul...
The night is long, sometimes cosmic
But there will always be a dawn…
And just when sunlight resurfaces
Ones gypsy soul awakes refreshed…

“Há certo gosto em pensar sozinho. É ato individual, como nascer e morrer.” -
Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Listening to “Tempestade” – Cordel do Fogo Encantado

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

Unitas mirabile vinculum

Life and death, joy and disappointed, emotion and howl are always allying themselves inside ourselves, not to recreate or recognize, but to raven us from the inside. And all this motley of confusions, acts, omissions, regrets and attempts that we can call each life in death finds, no meaning or explanation, but purpose. And as we walk through this experience, called existence, we end up realizing that to refute death in the end is to deny life. Is only death that defines ourselves as human beings, is just the certainty of life’s perishability, that every grain of sand that drops from that inner self hourglass take us closer to finally delineate our reality allows ourselves to have a life. In an World where opposites are always reconciled through synchronicity and light and shadow merge in every single dawn, to die properly is the only way of knowing that you lived your real life, that you were able to commingle with the world’s soul as you sailed through your personal quest.

"The one that remains within itself will never love someone." - Vinicius de Morais

Listening to Wave - Tom Jobim & Stan Getz

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

Bellum omium contra omnes

News will eternally lose all control of facts,
Fake celebrities will fall into anonymity,
Blur pictures will cross my ocean of sorrows,
All Journals will be printed in blank,
Paintings will be dissolved into one single bucket,
As the argument is deprived of its essence…

The dawn will be bring no new voices into light,
Billboards will be placed with the letters exchanged,
Nobody will recall how to sign its signature,
Taxi drivers no longer will know which road to take,
Words of my dictionary will be deformed,
As this becomes a strange day to feel happiness…

And all that is necessary so we can be together…

It’s just a time for us to go crazy forever…

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.“ - Walt Whitman

Listening to “Epistrophy” – Thelonious Monk

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

In posterum

I've always wanted to talk about one thing,
Guess where it invariably goes to?
It can be inside the darkness of my chest
Or walk freely trough the air, shapeless...
It maybe be laying right next to you
Much closer than we think or suppose...
The sweet sheet of youth,
That should be the right name of Love...

It, at least once in your lifetime
Pruned its moments,
Deviating you from your final destination...

With its young child's smile
Often hides in the daily clouds of routine...
Being renovated in the new dawn of each day...

And if properly cultivated,
It will give us life,
Flower and Fruit...

"En todos los tiempos y en todos los climas, las relaciones humanas — y especialmente las amorosas— corren el riesgo de volverse equívocas. (...) . Pero es notable la frecuencia con que canciones populares, refranes y conductas cotidianas aluden al amor como falsedad y mentira. Casi siempre eludimos los riesgos de una relación desnuda a través de una exageración, en su origen sincera, de nuestros sentimientos. Asimismo, es revelador cómo el carácter combativo del erotismo se acentúa entre nosotros y se encona. El amor es una tentativa de penetrar en otro ser, pero sólo puede realizarse a condición de que la entrega sea mutua. En todas partes es difícil este abandono de sí mismo; pocos coinciden en la entrega y más pocos aún logran trascender esa etapa posesiva y gozar del amor como lo que realmente es: un perpetuo descubrimiento, una inmersión en las aguas de la realidad y una recreación constante. Nosotros concebimos el amor como conquista y como lucha. No se trata tanto de penetrar la realidad, a través de un cuerpo, como de violarla. De ahí que la imagen del amante afortunado —herencia, acaso, del Don Juan español— se confunda con la del hombre que se vale de sus sentimientos —reales o inventados— para obtener a la mujer." Mascaras Mexicanas - Octavio Paz

Listening to "Samba da Benção" - Bebel Gilberto