sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

Peccatum tacituritatis

My dream, my dream,
Please go reach
The one who is far away…

Go show all my sorrows
And the things that I miss the most…

My sky misses a shinning star…
The cold late hours just brings me sadness
Making me feel
Every single minute of the night…
The chilling breeze
That makes flowers dance
Is just in my thoughts
To satisfy all my needs…

To bring the purity of a love…
Feelings, marking with miseries
The heartbreak of the one…

My dream, my dream
Please go reach
A love that changes you body
With its liberty…

“Where there is much light, the shadow is deep” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Listening to David Bowie - "Rebel, Rebel"

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